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Friday, February 6, 2015

El Gaucho... A OKAY Steak house

Well I was in a carnivore mood. I needed MEAT. Beef to be exact. I had been eyeing El Gaucho Inca Restaurant for  the pass years or so. So ....I made the 10 mile trip and gave it a try.
As most eateries in SWFL it was in a small mall. I got there at lunch time but I needed a bigger meal not lunch time fare.

I perused the menu. Most lunch time items were under 10 bucks with no substitutions allowed. My waiter was very pleasant and helpful.
El Gaucho offers Peru & Argentina items.

I ordered the  12 oz rib eye ,
$21.00 , medium rare of course( any thing cooked more you are a barbarian) with the chimichurri on the side. Chimichurri is a olive oil base condiment of Argentina, sorta of Italian salad dressing, for you non international awareness folks. It was good but I prefer my american style beef just salt and pepper. The steak was a bit sliced thin but the cook did a wonderful job of preparing it to medium rare. The side veggie were a mix of mushrooms,peppers, green onion, & onions .
I could have had more veggies less onions.
I was also given some toasted bread with a spicy sauce from Peru. I really liked this.
Over all good food -good experience. BUT if you need REAL American steak. I suggest Connor's in Fort Myers or Bern's In Tampa..

Have fork will travel.

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