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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Cafe You

Cafe You, SE 10th St., Cape Coral, Fl., Here is my 2 cents on the food and chatter.
Well the first Item I picked out ....was not available. So I was stuck with a chicken breast sandwich and soup. Plus I had a cup of coffee.

Well folks I cannot really see paying extra money for things that are labeled organic. I will come back to this. They have NO REAL certified effect on me!

I got a chicken ciabatta melt...8.25 with a tiny salad. and a cup of a carrot soup. Along with cuppa coffee.  All together about 15 bucks

They all tasted just fine...but not worth the extra money that my body cannot tell the difference.
Being an old very educated and informed fart. My body get by with preservatives...

Coffee you pay for per cup. $1.70 - 6 oz.....that can be pricey. Plus only the thing they have is brown crystal sugar. That is so wrong for modern day coffee drinkers. The cup itself is small. I could not put my finger through the cup handle.
There was no other option for chicken. No juicy chix thigh....just plain dried half of a breast on a bun that is larger than the meat item, hidden behind another sliced tomato not native to Florida & lettuce.

I believe my cuppa soup was carrot, It tasted just fine. In a weird bowel and not big for my appetite
The tiny green salad with 2 cocktail tomato , that are not native to Florida. Plus having to add and mix your own room temperature oil & balsamic vinegar together. Not really knowing the origins of this food....Balsamic vinegar can be aged like a fine cognac and cost up to $75 a bottle. Not the case here I am sure.

The server were very nice.Over all the food was excellent.  Just having to pay extra that really does not enhance your body...simply not worth the trip unless you R a sadist.

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