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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Pho Plus.... A plus for good food ... ... So here's my 2 cents.
Saw the reviews, I needed different cuisine, this seemed to match my needs.

So first the food. It was great. Everything on my plate,( see pic)
was edible. The beef and chicken was cooked to perfection. Though I hate white meat of chicken this was moist and tasty. The beef was tender. the veggies were cooked with just the right crunch.The side sauce is spicy enough for floridians. It all filled me up and was a healthy dish. For those uninitiated you need to try the Vietnamese coffee. It s sweet and taste like chocolate.

Now the not so good.
 I am carnivore and a cheapskate. I would like very MUCH more meat in my plate. Plus at 10.00 bucks it was skimpy. Though eating it did fill me up  & I was satisfied.

Upon entering on a Sunday at noon time I was overwhelmed with too much incense. Plus when I got home my clothes reeked. I like incense BUT but I love the smell of food much more.

My server Kayla did a good job. Though it seemed she might be a cook too. This is a family affair and I ALWAYS support the mom & pop over a big chain.
So give them a try it really is outstanding food.

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