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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dairy Queen, What a suprize

Well here 's my 2 cents. WOW what a suprized I had. As some may know I am frugal & hate chain restaurants. But I was starving and on my way to Cape Coral Computer Club. Along the way was DQ
There was only 2 cars in the drive Thru. I have only gone through maybe 8 drive thru in my life. The menu was overwhelming. I made it simple . 1 large onion ring 1 double cheese burger. Thats all. Nothing else. I even paid full price it came to around 6 bucks. Ouch. It took 3-4 minutes from order to driving away...... 12 minute drive to my Club.

  Oh My. The rings were hot and so was the burger... It was good, pickle, ketchup,mustard and cheese.....simple..... The rings were great..... REAL  slices of onion. They seemed to be breaded in a panko coating. WHATEVER these were some of the best rings in long time. (BK rings sucks)
So I now I need to get coupon or search for deals. But as fast goes they seem to be doing it RIGHT.

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