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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Caffe' Toscano

Caffe' Toscano, McGregor Blvd., Ft. Myers, Fl., Here is my 2 cents on the food and chatter.
Chatter... I have been here for 7 years and have not known about this place.
This is a nice authentic italian place.
I order the Carpaccio di Bresaola. A marinated slice beef. Served tarte.
Very italian, a little pricy.
I have never had this before. It was lite and healthy. Oh yes tasty.
Plus a soup with bread that had olive oil on top.
For dessert a cannoli .

Over all food was delish.A hidden gem of a place in Ft. Myers.

The cannoli... I an not a fan of cannolis...they all taste the same ( just like beans at mexican places). This was fresh it was good but just like other joints.

I must say this can be a romantic place. Just check it out  to see if it meets your needs.
Service was excellent.

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