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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Computer Club

Why I have not raved about this before is beyond me. I am being a idiot.

The Cape Coral Computer Club.  If you have a question about your IPAD or home computer you will find the answer here. EVEN and especially  if you are a first timer/novice. The first meeting or 2 is free then its only $35.00 a year. (You will pay $50.00 an hour for a techie to fix your PC.) Come here ask your question.

I had a issue with my PC, I ask was given a very concise and great answer.SO if you need answers come here.

AND once a month a techie from a local computer company....GREENWIRE..  comes to lecture.
Cape Coral Computer Club
The Cape Coral Computer Club meet the first four Wednesday each month from 1-3 p.m. (except July and August) at the Cape Coral Alliance Church, 4307 Skyline Blvd. Membership is open to all. Dues for the year are $35 for a family. For more information call Sal at 945-1390 or Marty at 283-4312.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Needed my fix of Chinese food this is the place to go.  ( Check

What really surprise me is the sushi... I am a meat and 'tater person... BUT the sushi here is always so fresh and tasty. It also innovative for the American palette. It OUTSTANDINGLY BEAUTIFUL.  They had sushi with a taste of a sweet BBQ sauce. Plus another with a hint of green onions.  Too many other to truly explore here.The sweets of coconut  macaroon. soft and so pleasant.. Scallops, which are hard to cook. were breaded and fried to a melt in your mouth. NOT at all rubbery like my failed attempts.

So if you need a sushi or Chinese fix an a budget price try them. Note( If you read the local paper of ads  U can find a coupon every so often. Go for the food and do not worry about a buck or 2.)


Well here is my rant...For over 5 years I have been barraged with the TV ads. Now I know why.
They must continually recruit new victims to the  slop pen.

I finally broke down and gave them a try.  WRONG.... This has to be the WORST FOOD ever. But I understand why they are pack. SW Floridian have no clue as to what is good food anyway.         How do you mess up mash potatoe & gravy.. They did. Horrible.. The steaks were serve well done. I can tolerate well done. BUT...... This is the first time I chewed and spit it out.. It was 11 am on a Sunday morn crowded. I did not know they served breakfast at 8am.. I heard these so called people asking for well done steaks WOW they are bad at ordering food as they are driving. The only  3 things that were good: my waitress Juanita , fried shrimp, & cocktail sauce Oh yes my Pepsi..   Aside from that the so call  food just SUCKS. AVOID IT.

NoTe.  ( IT WAS VERY CLEAN  workers  very nice)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sad News again

Cape Coral,Fl. It one of the safest crime free city in the United States. Also has more canals than ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

Unfortunately it has had 10 crash deaths in only 3 months due to terrible drivers.

Rant o Global Proportion

What is the fascination with a organization that has cause wars,murder,steal, sexual abuse financial hardship and just out right lie ,ALWAYS, to everyone.???? Thats right the devil themselves the Catholic Church.. Its In the process of electing another leader for abuses.  I was unfortunately raised in this cult. Yes its a cult. ALL new organizations   with a religious theme start off as a cult status. Then with enough fools and idiots believing what the leadership berate into them . It goes so call main stream. We have a religion.

I saw the 2nd helping of The bible on the History Channel. Once again a sci-fi novel of murder,mayhem and destruction. Present day sci-fi are not so graphic and gruesome. It appears we have grown up in spite of a so call god.

Which comes to mind if a god is so powerful WHY does he need to use humans as fodder to clean up his MESS?????? And if he/she/it is real why is it afraid to show a physical form of it self????

WHY are you afraid to hear my thoughts ???? If there is a god then obviously he made me available to inspire you.
I am a confirm atheist at this point in my life. I have died and come back due to Mankind medicine . Mankind is a god. We can create life, manipulate it and take it away.

I DARE you to PROVE that any of this statement i wrong.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Star for a Bagel, Cape Coral

Stuff A Bagel........,.Well as good as places go this is a star for SWFL. Not the best ....I have had better BUT
I am impress. From what I saw  from the long line and empty baskets with a whirl wind of activity in the kitchen. You need to go here for the breakfast and Fresh bagels.
A buck a bagel is not bad. They are fresh and tasty. I had the garlic bagels good maybe a bit more garlic please


In only 3 months there has been 33 people killed in car crashes in Lee County Florida. Now I know why my auto insurance is high.   I have a perfect driving record NO accidents, NO tickets of ANY kind in last 25 + years.

As I drive I see  lane changes in  intersections, women especially YAKKKING ON cell phones ( morons use a hand free device), running red lights on right turns,sitting and staring when lights turns from red to green.SPEEDING,   tailgating. People who drive mini van and think its a corvette with kids as cargo. I thought folks in California were bad WRONG Floridians are the utmost devils. Why.??????...... they know better yet do the wrong thing. Well a taste of Republicans thinking I guess. On Sundays I see all these so called places of worship parking lots FULL yet so many dangerous foes.

They preach and pray on sunday but come creeping  around the back porch on monday. How many so call commandants are broken by the multitude of hypocrites.