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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ONLINE SEARCH 4 THAT SPECIAL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well folks here is a bit of my wisdom/experience.  10 years or so I went online to

I was searching for the my love of my life. I knew it WOULD NOT be an american gal. I found mine in Brasil.  May be YOU should search globally????

I filled out my wants & desires.  Finally connected with that beautiful babe from Iguacua Nova,Brasil.
Just outside Rio de Janeiro. We Instant Message for a year or so. I went to Rio ,met ,felt that connection.  BOOOOMMM. Long story short with up and downs still together.

My point do not give up and LOOK OUTSIDE the box(GLOBALLY).

They are there U just have to open the right door.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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