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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

China Palace only game in area

Well this is the only game in town in a 5 mile area. I must say it is not too shabby. The first Chinese place that actually followed my order for extra Hot pepper on my kung pao chicken.
You can have a sit down to eat but most folks just get it to go..
Service was quick and you can call ahead. Lunch entree are 5.50 combination plates up to12 bucks.
The better deal are the lunch. I had a orange chicken and it seem to be a bit light in weight but it was tasty.
So if in the area give them a try.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Well folks I had my freebie of a Vet's meal. Free is always 5 stars but the food is another question. As usual the good first.

Tiffany  my server was excellent. The choices were the best on Vet day.

I picked the french dip. It was good but not as good as, Phillipe where it originated in Los Angles,CA.. It was created by a LAPD officer 60 years ago. Phillipe raised the price of coffee from 10 cents to 50 cents 2 year ago
 The quality of meat was good. I did not like the horseradish sauce on it though. The au jus was on the thick side, a bit salty & sweet.There were mushrooms in it.  In the original recipe no mushrooms. Overall good and a bit messy.
The french fries were wonderful.
Will I come back YES over all a great place.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Rants & Raves of Southwest Florida and such: whole foods

Rants & Raves of Southwest Florida and such: whole foods: Been a long time but here is a item to read. Whole Foods I understand why Whole Foods decided to locate in Naples. This store is for the f...

whole foods

Been a long time but here is a item to read. Whole Foods

I understand why Whole Foods decided to locate in Naples. This store is for the following types of people. A. for the healthy obsessive type. B. Must have the most expensive stuff. C. Just too much money on hand D. And the spoiled type.

I must say they do spoil you. The customer service is OUTSTANDING. Everyone is smiling and asking if I need help. Which is  really great. At the end of almost every aisle is FREE sample of cookies or bread salmon & such.
Whole Food must get a percent of the term gluten free ..EVERY 2 feet is a little sign. Its everywhere.
Plus the term organic. Though I do not believe there is a government standard for organic for everything on the law books.

I must say the cooks & chefs do a Excellent job on all the prepared food. The bakery has to die for stuff. Great for the taste buds bad for for the waist line and diabetics.

They do use local produce and such.  Salmon was at a good price of $5.99 lb... cheaper than Costco. Though the local crab claws were 35 bucks a pound.ouch

Over all a good place but not for the average family or those living pay check to pay check.

I bought a few items: fresh made and sliced  to order french bread, some foreign hot cocoa powder. olives and such at $10.99 lb. and the deal of the day BOGO of red pepper & garlic hummus,4.29.

Oh yes take note at the check out counter is a small sign that states: ALL FORM OF PAYMENT ACCEPTED... That tells me they will accept a GOAT, PIG, GOLD DUST OR DIAMONDS if I desired to use. So if you wish to use other payment feel free !!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

RANT OF ASIAN EATERY   What is wrong with all these Asian restaurants??? They never make it HOT even on request plus it is never one  cuisine.. The latest for me is China Tokyo Express in the ,The Coma,....
Shopping at Winn-Dixie I was hungry I saw this place....Took a chance... Well it is like ALL of the Asian places in SWFL.  99% are never 1 cuisine most 2-3 mixed up (.. A Thai restaurant in North Fort Myers serves only Thai.)

I ask for extra hot on  the Szechuan pork Just  hot. Its is pathetic  NO ONE UNDERSTAND  hot or EXTRA HOT.  Plus they all use this southern hot sauce cayenne with vinegar crap. It should be a crime for them to mis represent.... wait ..IT IS  in San Francisco .....

Anyway this is just what passes as Asian food here in The Coma & Ft. Myers.  If you are like must Floridians U will luv it ..IF YOU are a World traveler move along.!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Well here I go letting out a secret of Cape Coral. An honest and great auto repair shop.

This place has been around for 30 years. They sometimes have more business than they can handle.  It is an old school garage. No free coffee ,TV, donuts, only free rides if available , .75 soda machine , a small 3 chair waiting room. Pin up pics in the garage. A Man Man Garage. ...(Remember The Duke, John Wayne)

What do they have, fair rates, good work and honest dealing.
2 weeks ago I went into the garage to have some work done according to my  service guide. The guy said brake fluid ,coolant ,power steering ,not necessary unless there an issue. Or change in color. Sounded common sense to me.

1 week later my strut was making noise. They check it out , gave me a statement of the problem.. I made an appointment./estimate.
In the meantime, while I waited, I had ask customers of their experience here. All good reports..... Almost all had been coming here for 10-20 years and all by word of mouth.

At home I checked on line made phone calls... In the 4-5 estimates by phone most were 100.00 or more higher in cost. Same on-line. This was a simple fix.

The only problem I ran into was getting a ride and timing. Since POOR MAN is so popular you have to be forgiving. (While chatting with the owner he mention he did a $18,000.00 week a week or so ago ) Its a small shop with only 2-3 guys (owner included) and  some part timers. Sounds good.

So if you are willing to save some money and want to take a chance on others experience.  Give them a try.  Be aware they are back from Pine Island about 150 yards and the only landmark at this time is a green Bus Stop bench. My gps got me lost the first time.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

SHAME SHAME ON ARBY'S      ....WOW..  I just saw the Arby's commercial on their Reuben sandwich.. The video showed 1 inch thick of 2 slices of marble rye. My sandwich TRUE.. On the TV video it showed an inch thick of sauerkraut & a inch of pastrami  meat.  WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a LIE.  On mine the bread covered the meat.   WHERE'S THE PASTRAMI  ??????. I paused the commercial and did a close examination & measurements NO WHERE was my sandwich even CLOSE.

I will say the sandwich was lean and very TASTY...BUT COME   ON FOLKS LETS BE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL.

Arby's does a DISSERVICE to their employees who must sell it by weight & ,US , the public, when Arby's lies to our eyes.

The personnel were outstanding & quick, the curly fries wonderful ,food quality good BUT  I am exceedingly  DISAPPOINTED IN THE marketing tools.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Many gods you many not know........             GODS THAT YOU SPEAK OF EVERYDAY....  NO single god.

Sunday, as you may be able to guess, is the “Sun’s Day” – the name of a pagan Roman holiday.  In many folklore traditions, Sunday was believed to be a lucky day for babies born. Many societies have worshiped the sun and sun-gods. Perhaps the most famous is the Egyptian Sun-god Ra, who was the lord of time.
Monday comes from the Anglo-Saxon ‘monandaeg’ which is the “Moon’s Day”. On this day people gave homage to the goddess of the moon.  It was believed by ancients that there were three Mondays during the year that were considered to be unlucky: first Monday in April, second in August and last in December.
Tuesday is the first to be named after a Germanic god – Tiu (or Twia) – a god of war and the sky and associated with the Norse god Tyr, who was a defender god in Viking mythology.  Tiu is associated with Mars. He is usually shown with only one hand. In the most famous myth about Týr he placed his hand between the jaws of the wolf Fenrir as a mark of good faith while the other gods, pretending to play, bound the wolf. When Fenrir realised he had been tricked he bit off Tyr's hand.
Wednesday means “Woden’s Day” (in Norse, ‘Odin’), the Old Norse’s equivalent to Mercury, who was the messenger to the gods and the Roman god of commerce, travel and science. He was considered the chief god and leader of the wild hunt in Anglo-Saxon mythology, but the name directly translated means “violently insane headship” – not exactly the name of a loving and kind god!  Woden was the ruler of Asgard, the hoe of the gods, and is able to shift and change into different forms.
Thursday was “Thor’s Day”, named after the Norse god of thunder and lightning and is the Old Norse equivalent to Jupiter. Thor is often depicted holding a giant hammer and during the 10th and 11th centuries when Christians tried to convert the Scandinavians, many wore emblems of Thor’s hammer as a symbol of defiance against the new religion.
Friday is associated with Freya, the wife of Woden and the Norse goddess of love, marriage and fertility, who is equivalent to Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
Lastly, Saturday derives from “Saturn’s Day”, a Roman god associated with wealth, plenty and time. It is the only English week-day still associated with a Roman god, Saturn.  The Hebrews called Saturday the "Sabbath", meaning, day of rest. The Bible identifies Saturday as the last day of the week.
The seven-day week originates with in ancient Babylon prior to 600 BC, when time was marked with the lunar cycle, which experienced different seven-day cycles. A millennium later, Emperor Constantine converted Rome to Christianity and standardised the seven-day week across the Empire.  Rome may initially have acquired the seven-day week from the mystical beliefs of Babylonian astrologers. But it was the biblical story of creation, God making the Heavens and Earth and resting on the seventh day that will have led the first Christian emperor of Rome to make sure it endured to this day.
By April Holloway

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ONLINE SEARCH 4 THAT SPECIAL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well folks here is a bit of my wisdom/experience.  10 years or so I went online to

I was searching for the my love of my life. I knew it WOULD NOT be an american gal. I found mine in Brasil.  May be YOU should search globally????

I filled out my wants & desires.  Finally connected with that beautiful babe from Iguacua Nova,Brasil.
Just outside Rio de Janeiro. We Instant Message for a year or so. I went to Rio ,met ,felt that connection.  BOOOOMMM. Long story short with up and downs still together.

My point do not give up and LOOK OUTSIDE the box(GLOBALLY).

They are there U just have to open the right door.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 21, 2014


Well here is something new to me.. I have found 2 businesses that now ONLY accepts CASH !!!!!! A diner called Jax Diner in North Fort Meyers & a bakery, Oltimes German Bakery & Deli in Cape Coral. They have great food and service.

On the opposite end A Geramerican. Breakfast / bakery place Uses a Ipad and will  email you a receipt.  I just find this a little interesting

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rave....MEDIEVAL FAIRE    Well it was an excellent morning. Low humidity about 65 degrees. A great day for a park and a walk. I did both. My first time at  Fort Myers Lakes Regional Park. Subject Medieval Faire . under 12 -5 bucks.. others 15.00.

I got there before it open for a close parking spot. NOT NEEDED.

The last Faire that I attended was 20 years ago in Marin County, California. It was 3-4 times bigger than this and much warmer day.

My first observation was only 2 Sheriffs wow. What a difference in security. The next was LOT & LOTS of participants..  At this time of day the volunteer out numbered  me the public.
It was a nice affair they had period rides ,real horses, (Clydesdale) many vendors . Stages for entertainments.
Over all this was great. I am spoiled. Things I have done & seen have been HUGH compare to here. But for a day of fun check this out. Have a good one.

NOTE: a disappointment was the lack of Dragons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


2 Cups of Bisquick mix
3/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of sour cream
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 eggs

mix together...more milk for thinner cakes
fold in 6 oz. or so of fresh blueberries

Set aside
Heat skillet coated with spraying oil and or bacon fat. ( all GREAT cooks keeps a stash in the fridge)
Then cook to desired donnes . Use REAL MAPLE SYRUP and butter wa laa

GREED in the disguise of Arts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                      It was at hot  72 degrees and very humid Saturday morn. I needed to exercise my legs.

So after all the hoopla and advertisement I went to the Cape Coral Festival of the Arts. ( 29 years strong of money grabbing)      Which really means COME GIVE US YOU MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a Rotarian and City supported event. It was meant for you to come and BUY stuff. Rings, wall hanging, fanny packs. Lets not forget food coffee, donuts etc. You know the grill..
In some of the booths on  delicate items a sign  stating. " If your kid or you break it you bought"

It is a TERRIBBLE times in our culture that all we do is buy buy buy.

EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS ABOUT MONEY.  You name it money is it. AS much as I HATE RELIGION  & the the concept of gods.. The quote of ' MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL IS EVIL'
is so true.If you need to help someone , money, need to cut a program, its a money issue.
And to be sexist...... female of the species are the worst. Buying shoes just because they are .PRETTY,
Website just for shopping for crap. WOW so many sick women. and a few sicko  freak of men.
If I am wrong on this observation. I CHALLENGE YOU, PROVE IT.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rave of Farmers Markets, Arts & Crafts, Renaissance Fair,     Well here is a great thing about January  in SW Florida. ALLLLLL the farmers market that are abound. Every day of the week you can locate one. They have fresh peppers, ears of corn, potatoes, lettuce, olives. and my favorite  HONEY..... good for tea, baklava, and to pour on your honey's honey pot to slowly lick it off mmmmmm good.

Renaissance Fair where you get your mug of meg and turkey drumstick.

Arts & Craft fair......And if so incline help the starving artist.  BUT from my observation these artist are not starving or poor. BIG prices credit cards,(amex) driving SUV and Mercedes.

But a day of entertainment never the less.  ENJOY  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Props to TERVIS

So what is Tervis................  Tervis is a company , in Florida ,that designs & manufacture cups in the USA. They are microwaveable and have a life time warranty.

Today it was cold and I needed to warm up my coffee. I placed my Tervis mug in my microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds. When I retrieved it the outside of the cup was cool to the touch. No visible damage and the coffee was heated to the correct temperature.  YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA

So if you need a good tumbler give them a try,  www.tervis

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Wal-Mart Success vs Washington (not a joke) YOU NEED TO READ THIS

PLEASE READ ALL!  It is factual and hard to believe.

Even if you do not
read it all the way to the end...

1.Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every
hour of every day.

2.This works out to $20,928 profit every

3. Wal-Mart will sell
more from January 1 to St.
Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all

 4. Wal-Mart is bigger
than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears +
Costco + K-Mart combined.

5.Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the
world's largest private employer, and most speak

6.Wal-Mart is the
largest company in the history of the

7.Wal-Mart now sells
more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and
keep in mind they did this in only fifteen

 8.During this same
period, 31 big supermarket chains sought

9.Wal-Mart now
sells more food than any other store in the

10.Wal-Mart has approx
3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super
Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five
years ago.

11.This year 7.2
billion different purchasing experiences will
occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is
approximately 6.5

 12.90% of all
Americans live within fifteen miles of a

You may think that I
am complaining, but I am really laying the
ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should
hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the

This should be read and
understood by all Americans… Democrats,
Republicans, EVERYONE!!

President Obama and all 535 voting members of
the Legislature It is now official that the majority of you are ineffective:

a.. The U.S.
Postal Service was established in 1775. You have
had 237 years to get it right and it is broke.

b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 77 years to
get it right and it is broke.

c.. Fannie Mae was established in
1938. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.

d.. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 48
years to get it right; $1 trillion of our
money is confiscated each year and transferred
to "the poor" and they only want more.

 e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had
47 years to get it right and they are broke.

f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 42 years to
get it right and it is broke.

g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our
dependence on foreign oil.  
It has ballooned to 16,000  employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. 
You had 35 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have
FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.


keep this circulating. It is very well stated.
Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of
our "duly elected' (they never read anything)
and their staff will clue them in on how
Americans feel.

We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors,
Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,???????????

In the last months we continue to provide aid to Haiti ,
Chile , Japan and Turkey ..And Pakistan
........previous home of Bin Laden. 
Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no
extra aid nor do they get any special breaks-- beyond shopping
discounts... AND Congress wants to freeze Social Security

You do know that Congress voted themselves a pay raise
for 2013??? Google this--it's true!!!

99% of people won't forward this.

I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did.  Now it is your turn.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Eye Candy- so -so Coffee

A RANT.....I have seen it advertised for a while. It was 58 degrees I was driving by and tried it. I am not impress. The novelty of gurls in skimpy out fits. Eh ok. Prices were reasonable. TOOOOOOOOO many choices. I just want a coffee and sugar with cream. My coffee though very hot was mediocre at best. NO sugar- corn syrup & NOT milk or half & half
something else.
So if you need some eye candy a and fast cup of joe this is for you.
Otherwise  Mcdee's is fine.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


My first rave of the new year, Bathroom cleaner. I have been bombarded with the product of Johnson's Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom cleaner commercials. Well I was out of cleaning stuff and Costco was selling the the stuff.. My first time using it. And lo & behold this stuff works as advertise WOW.. I just followed  the directions and my bathroom almost cleaned itself.  YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I hope to have more raves this year